Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello, World!

It's been a while since I've written in my blog, about a year and a half to be exact. Which is completely terrible. I was so excited to finally have a blog, but I just didn't stick with it. Life happened, my job happened, I got so busy making a living at work that I lost myself in my job. It happens to the best of us I suppose. But I'm back, and better than ever! I've had so many of my close friends tell me that I need to get back into blogging. So many new things have happened to me within the past year and a half, so I have a lot to write about!

While I certainly want to share with you all the new things that have occurred in my life over the past year and a half (and I will get around to it in my upcoming posts), I felt it fitting to write about today....February 14th, 2017...Valentine's Day!

I know most people despise this holiday. Some call it a marketing ploy. Some call it unnecessary. Others may love it; showering their loved ones with lavish gifts and chocolates. I honestly have so many thoughts on this day, it's hard for me to organize all my thoughts into something that will make sense to you all. But I'll try, here it goes:

First, do I kind of hate this holiday because I'm single....lets be honest, yes. Do I get envious of girls who receive gorgeous flower arrangements and jewelry and candy from their loved ones.....again lets be real here, yes. But I have to make a conscious effort to remind myself that Valentine's day isn't just about romantic love, it's about love in general. And that means love for your family, love for your friends, love for your pets, even love for your hobbies. Today can be a celebration of anything you want it to be. You can shape this day into what ever you want. Yeah, it kind of sucks to see others being showered with love from a romantic partner, but again, I have to make a conscious effort to remind myself of all the love I have surrounding me. My family is my rock; without them, who knows where I'd be today. My life right now is so freaking awesome, like, I feel incredibly blessed to have the things I have, to have the people I have in my life, to have experienced the things I've experienced thus far. I mean, I seriously cannot complain. And when I start thinking about all of the good I have in my life, and how much God has blessed me, and how much He continues to bless me, I feel a sense of peace in my heart, and the envy I feel of others goes away. That may sound incredibly corny to some, and that's okay, but it's the honest truth.

**Side Note - one of the things I want my readers to know is that I'm honest to a fault. I pride myself on being as transparent as possible. Being in the business world you realize how disingenuous people can be. And it irks me to my very core. But I've learned you can't control what others do and say, you can only learn from it, and control your response to it. Well, my response is transparency, all the way baby! So, just know, when you're reading my posts, if something sounds corny, it's me being 100% me. I'm cheesy sometimes, what can I say. (stepping off my soapbox now)

Back to what I was saying - I think my point is to not put so much pressure on this one day. I think Valentine's day is just another reminder that we should keep loving our loved ones all the days of our lives, all the time, as much as we possibly can, as much as we remember to, and not just on this one day because society tells us we should. That's the thing, societal pressure is a major issue. Always has been. That's why single people feel lonely on this day, because society tells us if you don't have a romantic partner on Valentine's day, you're doomed! Well, I'm here to tell you something.....you're not doomed. You're not an old maid. You're perfectly okay with what ever situation you're in at the present moment. Just keep reminding yourself of how loved you are by family and friends, and keep reminding yourself how wonderful you are. Life's too short to put yourself down. Keep your chin up, buttercup, because you are awesome-sauce! (I totally went there)

I actually had 3 Valentines today....Sadie, Maggie and Mollie:

                              Image may contain: indoor

It's kind of difficult to see them in the picture, but they're my 3 fur babies! Maggie is on the far left, Mollie is in the middle, and Sadie is on the right looking at the camera. I love these girls to pieces. I plan on writing a post in the coming days about my fur babies; just one of those new things that's happened to me lately.

Let me tell you, having fur babies as your Valentine is the best! No drama, no buying expensive cards and flowers and candies; they were content with just my hugs and kisses; so today rocked! I was so excited to prep for this photo shoot with them. I'm really diving into my creativity lately, which I had no idea I even had a creative bone in my body! But this was so fun.

I wanted to find a solid backdrop, which as you can see in the photo above is pink. It's actually pink wrapping paper. And then I bought a package of paper doilies and wrote on them with permanent marker, and strung them together with burlap string. I laid some of my cream-colored throws on the floor for the babies since we have tile floor and it's cold for them. Then I put mini Valentine's day balloons in rustic looking vases I bought at Hobby Lobby. And then the final touch, pretty pink bows for the top of the girls' heads. It's hard to see, but they're there. The babies hated the bows....I repeat, HATED the bows. This photo shoot took a lot of time, and it's not exactly how I wanted it to turn out, but when you're working with puppies under the age of 5 months, you're going to get what you get! I initially wanted the girls to sit side-by-side and look at the camera, but that's major wishful thinking. I'm dreaming! Either way, it gets the point across that these cute little furry babies have my heart and today was a great day.

That pretty much wraps up my thoughts on Valentine's day. I promise I won't fall off the face of the Earth next time. I'm hoping to stay pretty consistent with my posts, and like I said I have so much more to share with you all.

Until next time, loves, ciao!

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